Monday, April 21, 2008

#1 - 49 Days

This originally started as a song about nothing. I was driving home from work on Friday evening, wondering what I was going to write about, and I realized about half way home that I really had nothing to write about. So, in a fit of pique, I decided to write a song about nothing. After all, writing a lot of junk basically means writing a lot about nothing until you find something to write about.

So I began humming in the car, and words started coming... something about forty-nine days-

Suddenly, I knew what I was singing, and why. My father had requested that Andy and I head down to go visit the next day to pay respect to my grandmother. He mentioned something about how the 49th day was special - it was, after all, seven weeks of seven days. I got home, madly scribbled in a notebook and trying to figure out the chord progressions I'd had in my head, and this is what I came up with.

Please note that this is all in rough draft format. I'm ambivalent about the tiny herds of horses, but I think this is probably a 3/5.


Unknown said...

I LOVE IT. It made me tear up. You are so talented.

jeans said...

Elaine, is htat you singing? It doesn't sound like! Sounds great!